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- Headquarter | Sun : Thu 9.00 - 17.00
- Factory | Sat : Thu 9.00 - 19.00
is based on three strategic pillars - Innovation, Culture and Growth
We at AIG focus on realizing the following values while upholding the highest ethical standards.04
AIG works to meet its responsibilities to stakeholders on a daily basis.02
AIG respects and includes a broad range of peoples and ideas in its daily operations.05
AIG appropriately shares information and promotes dialogue with stakeholders thereby building trust.03
AIG builds strong borderless teams through fairness and promoting shared goals.06
AIG 's drive comes from perseverance and a strong desire to contribute to patients.
Who we are?
AIG Pharmaceuticals is a growing Pharmaceutical company that was established in 2010 with its headquarters located in Cairo and Delta with the objective of providing high quality and innovative products to the Egyptian market .In 2011, after 9 years of operations, AIG has grown from a small local company to a market leader of approximately 500 customers.
شرفت شركة AIG ( المجموعه العربيه الدولية للادويه والصناعات الدوائيه) بزيارة العالم الجليل الأستاذ الدكتور/ ماجد ابو غربيه مؤسس ومدير مركز مولدر لأبحاث الدواء وأستاذ كيمياء الدواء بجامعه تميل، فيلادلفيا- بنسلفانيا- الولايات المتحدة الامريكيه، وعضو مجلس ادارة الشركة ، وقد ناقش سيادته مع رئيس واعضاء مجلس الاداره تطورات العمل بمصانع الشركة بمدينة بدر، وكذلك الخطط طويلة وقصيرة الامد للنهوض بالشركة وكذلك المساهمه الفعالة لانتاج الدواء المنافس للاسواق العالميه ، والبدء في تجهيز بعض الخطوط الانتاجيه النادره في مصر، لكي تكون لنا بصمة مميزه في النهوض بصناعة الدواء كي نجعل بلدنا الحبيب في مصاف الدول المتقدمه في صناعة الدواء.
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Our Pharmaceuticals
Our Pharmaceuticals business has a broad portfolio of innovative and established medicines. We currently focus on developing new medicines in respiratory and HIV/infectious diseases, oncology and immuno-inflammation; with discovery research exploring these and other areas.
The business is made up of innovative and established medicines and holds leading market positions in respiratory disease and HIV. In our Pharmaceuticals R&D organisation, almost 80% of research spending focuses on two current therapy areas: respiratory and HIV/infectious diseases; and two potential areas: oncology and immuno-inflammation. Our marketplace